
Power of Attorney Services

Certified Turkish - English Translator - Interpreter acknowledged by the Turkish Consulate in London, I provide professional translation and interpreting services, which any non-Turkish citizen will require to issue a Power of Attorney at the Turkish Consulate in London. 

It is a requirement to use the services of a Consulate approved Interpreter if you do not speak Turkish. I can book an appointment for you at the Consulate and then meet you there to interpret during the appointment.

If you require any document translation services I can help you. Scan and email me the documents and I will return you a quote. Upon approval, I will send you my bank account details and will start the translation upon receipt of payment.   

For any Turkish - English Translation - Interpreting services at the Turkish Consulate in London, contact me with ease via whatsapp by simply clicking this link.

Need to know for Consulate Appointments

Translation Certificate Qualification

Rutland Lodge, Rutland Gardens, Knightsbridge, London SW7 1BW

Phone: +44 20 7591 6900

Opening Hours: Weekdays open between 9am - 1pm and 2pm - 4pm. Closed on Weekends.


Important Note: The Consulate does not accept card payments and there is no ATM nearby; please prepare cash in advance for any consulate fees and charges as well as my services. You can check the fees & charges directly from the consulate page. There is a biometric photoboot within the consulate, which also does not accept card payments.  



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